Risk Management
The iStream Risk Management Solution, iStream RMS™, is a tool to monitor trends, risk, and financial exposure by evaluating the transactions in business regions, stores and customers.

iStreamRMS was originally designed to demonstrate the monitoring of Remote Deposit Capture (RDC) payments for regulatory examinations (i.e. FFIEC). As the solution evolved, the scope of impact moved to encompass other payment types such as Automated Clearing House (ACH).
iStream RMS facilitates the ability to review activity at both the summary and detail levels (velocity, duplicate returns, etc.), track customer trends and observe return activity. iStreamRMS works with both the iStream Deposit® solution as well as other RDC solutions from other vendors.
For quick analysis of commonly used queries, the ability to configure and save specific queriers for repeated future use is at your fingertips
Ability to set limits at both the company and/or account levels, enabling granular control with maximum flexibility. When a transaction is detected that is outside of the parameters set, proactive notifications are initiated so a potential issue can be addressed in near real-time
Create and track items to gain additional insight as to specific conditions or other information related to a specific transaction. This allows multiple users to have access to insight and other pertinent information when looking at specific transactions
Robust reporting capabilities
Reporting queries by bank, source, company or account allowing a concise view that is targeted on the specific aspects you are looking to monitor.
Robust and flexible reporting providing you micro-level control of transactions you wish to focus on, all in real-time and on demand.
Provides insight into the trends related to the volume(s) of transactions being processed.
Provides insight into the deviation from the expected volume (both $’s and # of transactions) being processed.
Drill into data over a specified time span to see how the actual transactions are coming in compared to the limits that have been established in the system.
Drill into daily data to see how the actual transactions are coming in compared to the limits that have been established in the system.
Gain insight into the range (both $’s and # of items) that are being processed on the platform.
Reporting designed to provide details on the volume and reason codes for items returned that were processed on the platform.
Quickly gain access to information related to any returns coming back with a status of unauthorized.